Back when I wasted money on games, I bought shit like Garry’s Mod, PUBG, Rust, etc. because I knew some people who played it and thought we could play together.
It never happened.
So they’re collecting dust in my library and now I only play single player games
No, I have the opposite problem - I’m surrounded by g*mers
Actually once I bought my dad a fancy flight simulator joystick and some flight sim games, as well as built him a gaming PC, cause I had fond memories of me watching him play flight sim games as a kid - Then he never touched it / never wanted to play :deeper-sadness: . A lot of money down the drain to be rejected by family lol
Every board game. I lived with people that were super into board games for a while and it was cool as hell. I just want people to play Cosmic Encounter with!
Oh that’s me. I own far too many board games for someone that rarely plays them.
I think there’s an online way to play. I’d do shameful things to get back to playing regularly. I was in correspondence with the creator when my roommates and I were playing like 8 hours every day and making homebrew cards and stuff. I never played any expansions past the inthink 4th expansion but I was good and really really wanna play again regularly
Nah I don’t have this problem, sorry. Maybe for a handful of games that weren’t good
The only multiplayer games I play, apart from occasional WoW sessions, are Satisfactory and Raft. Chill, stuff for players from “I have this differential calculus equation on production rates” to “how does mouse click work?”