JBP’s gonna take this so strongly that he’s gonna invent time travel just to fulfill it. Watch!
Dear Friedrich,
Today a strange Canadian man appeared in my apartment and started berating me in broken German about the messy state of my rooms. I drove him away with a few stout blows from a fireplace poker which I had recently retrieved from the pawn shop.
PS: send more money I’m broke again lol
Hey Jordan
Have you fixed the world yet? No? Cleaned your room yet? No?
Then fuck off and stop telling a real political scientist who actually inspired revolutions and actually changed the world how to do his job.
Marx literally inspired the Soviets, who in turn got the first human into space. He fucking changed the world and you aren’t worth the shit on his boots.
Yeah, I’m gonna take Benzo Kermit’s advice
If Mr. Marks would have listened to JBP then he wouldn’t have starved over a million Ukrainians to death in the holodomor.
Stalin: my room is very cluttered with all this Ukrainian grain time to clean it up
There’s a lot of like, lifestyle attacking when it comes to Marxism. I got a book from my father in law once that was an epic take down of Marxism, but focused a lot on points like Marxists are miserable people, Marxists wouldn’t be Marxists if they were happy, etc. Guess it’s just typical avoiding the actual logic at hand, but it’s still interesting, and at the very least funny when you try and retroactively apply it to some guy in the 1800s you are entirely disconnected from