there are freakout posts every hour or so on r/adhd. desperate plans to amass a huge petition of signatures, or challenge it legally with a class act. lawsuit, but mostly a lot of despair and disbelief. also some blaming of the so-called undeserved adderall users that are allegedly the official reason for the shortage…and something about tiktok users.
it’s bad and capitalism is certainly the reason why. i’d like to understand the nuance of it more though if anyone had some good leftist takes on it.
I stopped bothering to treat my ADHD with medication because of how much of a pain it is to get the stuff and its shitty side effects.
In my country, ADHD medication has to be prescribed by a psychiatrist. So that means every time I need a new prescription, I had to shell out $300 to see psych every time. They aren’t open on the weekends either, so having to see a psych meant one day a month I’d have to take a day off work to see one. It ended up pissing off my boss and getting me fired. Ironically I was trying to treat my condition so I could do better at work. Lmao. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
Time to return to research chemicals I guess.
“they used this shit to make bonobos do algebra, so it’s probably fine for me”
I’d never do a stimulant but I’ve done some LSD analogues before and they’re pretty good.
Of course it’s a crap-shoot because it just as easily could end up toxic which is just another reason why the war on drugs is big stinky.
So is this only short-form or is extended release impacted as well? I haven’t really noticed anything with my medications and I think it’s because I take more obscure stuff that doesn’t seem to be in as high of a demand.
I have to take generic now (health insurance thing) and it just doesn’t hit the same. Very frustrated with it. Quality of work is going down.