who could’ve seen this coming
It’s not proof. Really, without named sources and evidence it might as well be political fiction. But there’s also no one else who had both the means to do it and the motive to do it other than America. Every other party that would benefit couldn’t have pulled it off, and of the parties who could have pulled it off it really is just the US and maybe, maybe someone like Norway if they had their best commandos and their best oil rig divers work together?
It’s all unnamed sources and circumstantial, but it’s also very tightly woven threads that line up very clearly. Think of this like the initial reports about how Iraq 2 WMD stuff was all made up by the Bush Admin. There wasn’t hard evidence, but the manipulation was pretty easy to connect the dots on at the time. I doubt he can put names to sources without folks getting suicided, but it’s very solid analysis of how all the puzzle pieces fit together by a respected journo that has consistently been correct when doing these types of exposes.
Anyone that thought otherwise was deluding themselves.
Looking at the list of people who call this guy an credulous crank makes me think he’s probably writing the unvarnished truth. I mean fucking Arthur Schlesinger, of all people. Judge a man by the reputation of his enemies and so forth.
Fantastic read, too detailed and too plausible to be fiction. Of course everyone here knows it was the US, but it’s good to have confirmation. I am sure this little piece of information will “die in darkness”
It’s not proof at all. It’s credible because it adds a nice story to the only realistic explanation for what happened. Even if it’s totally made up and the “real story” came out twenty years from now whatever the real story is would be pretty much the same because… this is basically what must have happened because the US government and military are pretty much the only ones who would want to do this and would be able to do this.
Can’t wait to hear what RWN says about this.
They refused to give an opinion on who did it because Ames is still very embarrassed about the bad call on the original Ukraine invasion. It’s ironic though because they had a great episode on CIA sabotage like last month.
Follow up. Ames took the article at face value and came to all the same conclusions that everyone here saw immediately. Between his tone, and the sheer dissonance between his initial take
probably Russia, because the US would never risk it.
…and his current take…
of course it was the US, it’s not in anyone else’s interest and if they got caught red handed it wouldn’t matter because they’d just call the journalist a blogger and the imperial core will go back to work like they’re not starting ww3
…I suspect he’s seen the light all along but is just weary of sticking his neck out to contradict the war machine. Trying to give him the benefit of the doubt I guess.