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I need meds or I become Sims character and all my tasks shuffle around at random intervals. Then I pace in a circle making bird noises when I’m not crying because I have to make a 7 minute phone call.
You clean the dishes real good tho
Jesus I hate this bullshit. Meds really did change my life for the better in many ways outside of “I can’t do menial tasks.” I could barely speak in a way people understood, struggled to do anything I actually wanted to, averaged four hours of sleep every night, had a dangerously violent temper that lead me down a very dark path. Taking the medication has allowed me to avoid beating the shit out of people for local gangs and actually channel my energy in creative ways that I was never able to because of my attention issues.
It’s very telling when the people most against this for people that have ADHD can only relate by overdosing recreationally and reaching the conclusion that “THIS IS BASICALLY METH. MUH BIG PHARMA TRYING TO BLUE PILL US.” I’m sure I would also reach an equally hyperbolic conclusion if my brain was completely addled by recreational drugs.
Do people overdiagnose it? Yeah they do. I see it a lot in young kids that are just hyper and their parents shove pills down their throat. This is a case where the center is actually the best solution. Wait until you’re old enough to give the medication a try if you even want to and see if you’re even ready for them. It takes a lot of trial and error before you find the right one and some people stop at one too soon that may not be the best fit.
Fuck these idiots overdosing on medication that helps us and reaching a dumbshit conclusion. Stick to hallucinogens if you’re going to do that. At least then your delusions will be somewhat enjoyable to listen to.
What happens is you get banned for esports doping.
Legalize it