What are your thoughts?
China themselves released two sets of photos, one in 2010, the other just a year ago, that their probes took of several Apollo landing sites from the moons orbit.
Including the landers, scientific equipment, buggies, transport containers, and other miscellaneous items. All perfectly preserved and left exactly where they were abandoned on film decades ago.
Are you telling me that the Chinese government is in on the conspiracy too for some inane reason? Then went out of their way to fabricate evidence to support the US’ supposed massive lie? These photos are public too.
I found a YouTube link in your post. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
The video starts with a message that includes a warning against flat-earthers using the material in their videos. This warning is included because questioning the moon landing is associated with believing that Earth is flat, inducing people into believing that questioning the moon landings is more absurd than it really is. A theory I have is that, if there really was something staged about Apollo missions, American gov created or impulsionated the flat Earth movement using something like astroturfing, and pulled strings to build an association between questioning moon landing and believing that Earth is flat. In practice, they would combine two astroturfing agents: the skeptical, science-backed and educated agents arguing that there is no question about the moon landing and everything you say otherwise is easily debunked, and uneducated agents saying in child-like language that the moon landing was faked, also saying that Earth is flat while wearing a tinfoil hat. There are real people that really believes the Earth is flat; my theory is not saying they are all astroturfing agents. But it’s just a theory that I not necessarily believe in; I see how such association could emerge naturally, as flat-earthers often deny there is space.
Just because the US did it, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. The Soviets congratulated them. It was an achievement for all mankind.
This documentary is nonsense.