The Republican frontrunner has vowed to put an end to ‘horrible’ wind turbines, pledging to undo yet another key US green policy
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Why!? Who actually has anything against renewables besides fossil fuel companies?
Also, he also doesn’t give a crap about the whales.
I know people who are strongly against wind renewables. Why? Uhh… because they kill birds. And whales! And they uhh, don’t break down, or something. So they’re not perfect, and we should buy more oil.
It’s because a lot of money is spent on programming the gullible to help maintain the status quo and keep some rich people get extra super rich.
I’s probably because they’re adhering to their in-group’s beliefs. The in-group (conservatives) doesn’t like renewables, so they don’t. When pressed for why, they don’t really have a good answer, so they’ll desperately grasp for anything that’s remotely plausible.
We’re all susceptible to this, and it probably had advantages for ancient humans.
Why do people still trust this guy?
Why wouldn’t they trust him? It’s a bit like that Maya Angelou quote: when people show you who they are believe them first time.
Thing is his supporters believe him because it’s what they want. They trust him. Staunch critics believe him because it’s what they fear, they trust he’ll do terrible things. Those that don’t yet believe him are naive or deluded thinking it’s just as bad to vote for Biden. I don’t understand these people.
They shouldn’t trust him because he is a liar and a manipulator, and a charming, effective one, like all sociopaths.
He literally goes out there and talks to the crowd thinking they are idiots, because he can just make them think whatever he wants.
And they are. That’s why I’m wondering why they don’t learn. There must be something inside them that makes them want to be betrayed. Kind of like a relationship where you know you will get hurt but you do it anyway because you think that’s what you deserve. Maybe? I really don’t understand it.
America is a very individualist country to my eyes. People see taxes as paying for someone else’s healthcare or homeless shelter rather than paying for the things that everyone needs. There are only 2 sides in the election. Most people can’t ever see themselves switching sides, it’s a big change in thinking for a lot of topics. Hell the vote is usually decided by the turnout rather than people being convinced to switch sides. Trumps followers want him to hurt who they perceive as “their enemy”, i.e. Democrats (and non whites ssshhhh). And in fairness he does and they are happy that he does. They don’t envisage themselves ever in the group that he is attacking so whatever he’s gonna do to them is fine. They do sometimes end up in that group though:
“Day One” will be a busy day if he wins
During his first campaign, most people with common sense simply dismissed Trump. “Who in his right mind would vote for him?” they thought. Boy! were they in for a surprise.
Now this is his second campaign. Trump is still the same Trump as the first time but on steroid this time. He tried to stage a coup, and he’s now sitting in a courtroom trying to defend his ass in a really shameful scandal.
And most people with common sense, again, dismiss Trump. Because really, this time around, who in his right mind - including the most staunch ultra-conservative bible thumping republican - would vote this guy in again?
Well, brace yourself because many, many people will inexplicably say “Watch me. Hold my beer…” on election day. It will truly boggle your mind that not only anyone voted for him at all, but in fact a sizeable portion of America has.