Twitter thread continued:
Sometimes people will say “You made me an anarchist” and like… buddy, I don’t even think it matters that I myself am an anarchist.
And I regret that that sort of “we’re fighting the good fight” mentality has allowed some of the worst grifters on the platform to flourish by manipulating people’s passions for their own weird petty reasons.
I think what I do has a lot of value, I’m just saying that what I perceive that value to BE is a lot different than what I thought a few years ago.
The popularization of leftism and marxism in the past few years has done nothing to bolster the left or further unify its disparate tendencies. All it’s done is watered down and further confused the issue of leftist politics as they’re pulled into the recuperation machine and spun back out as cool shirts and podcasts. The internet has only sped up this issue by allowing individual’s with freak beliefs to be amplified far past their position creating abominations of theories and tendencies (re: MAGA Communism and/or “i’M a LaRoUcHiTe-NeO-tRoTsKyIsT-pAlEo-StAlInIsT wItH aNaRcHo ChArAcTeRiStIcS”). There is work to be done, less to be talked about
There is work to be done, less to be talked about
Ironically, lot of that work to be done is talking just to neighbors, coworkers etc and not randos online. But those are the types of conversations people have anxiety over.
But even then the thing to do isn’t to go door to door like the mormons sharing the good word of Karl Marx. It’s to use our well developed material analysis skills to take the lay of the land locally and either join up with or start an org that goes about doing the work needed to move the needle and then through that process reach out to your local community to expand your efforts. If you live in your neighborhood you know what it needs and if you give the people what they need they’ll listen to what you have to say. Hunger, housing, and education are almost universally an issue that needs to be addressed in every community. Let’s have the marxists lead the charge rather than the professional NGO lib class that will only make the situation worse or god forbid the right-wing church charity groups that are really just there to hand out jesus stickers while their actual political apparatus dismantles the institutions that would otherwise make their charity unnecessary
I credit Thot Slime with being one of the few “breadtubers” that didn’t complete disappoint me and make me think they were always a grifter. And I thank them for getting bullied by MLs on Twitter which is why I gave State and Rev a chance to see what all the fuss was about.
But this is something I struggle with. Like, I’ve put on the They Live glasses and can’t take them off. Where’s the line between not getting worked up over every little thing I can’t control and just becoming a detached lib?
From Chapter 1 of Lenin’s “What is to be Done?”
Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement. This idea cannot be insisted upon too strongly at a time when the fashionable preaching of opportunism goes hand in hand with an infatuation for the narrowest forms of practical activity.
Stop worrying about YouTube celebrities!!! They’re not your friends!!!