what now? Roger Water said the controversial argument that Palestinians deserve to live?
The Frankfurt cancellation comes less than a month after Polly Samson, wife of Pink Floyd’s David Gilmour, posted a tweet in which she called Waters “antisemitic” and a "Putin apologist.”
Ah yes the dude who said the Putin’s invasion is ‘‘barbaric’’ and that we should solve the issue via dialogue is a ‘‘putin apologist’’
The American liberal, faced with this reality, tends to concede that truth is in fact drowned out by a relentless tide of spin and propaganda. Their next move is always predictable, however. It’s another lesson dutifully drilled into them in their youth: “At least we can dissent, however unpopular and ineffectual!” The reality, of course, is that such dissent is tolerated to the extent that it is unpopular.
Big-shot TV host Phil Donahue demonstrated that challenging imperial marching orders in the context of the invasion of Iraq was career suicide, when a leaked memo clearly explained he was fired in 2003 because he’d be a “difficult public face for NBC in a time of war.” [5] The fate of journalists unprotected by such wealth or celebrity is darker and sadder. Ramsey Orta, whose footage of Eric Garner pleading “I can’t breathe!” to NYPD cops choking him to death went viral, was rewarded for his impactful citizen journalism by having his family targeted by the cops, fast-tracked to prison for unrelated crimes, and fed rat poison while in there. [6] The only casualty of the spectacular “Panama Papers” leak was Daphne Caruana Galizia, the journalist who led the investigation, who was assassinated with a car-bomb near her home in Malta. [7] Then there’s the well-publicized cases of Assange, Snowden, Manning, etc. That said, I tend think to such lists are somewhat unnecessary since, ultimately, most honest people confess that they self-censor on social media for fear of consequences. (Do you?)
In other words, the status quo in the West is basically as follows: you can say whatever you want, so long as it doesn’t actually have any effect.
The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum — even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate. - :chompsky:
aaaand that’s why we don’t have a israeli flag burning emoji :israel-cool:
Wait for real he did that? That is gonna come off bad for sure. You can’t express every point with pig balloons. Also there’s a joke about kosher foods here.
I was aware of the pig balloon cause Peter Frampton borrowed it in that Simpsons episode. You’re not gonna trick me into hearing Pink Floyd. Should have been a pretty obviously bad call to toss a star of David up on your symbolic pig balloon, Isreal picked a flag that’s hard to denounce visually without implying stuff. Just write Isreal on the pig, or skip the pig, it’s kinda silly.
Hammer and sickle at 2:30.
Wait, this is nine years old? He’s been using it that long and it only now got attention?
“Alleged anti-Semitism” because we can never say he made statements critical of Israel and apartheid.
Roger Waters, play at my house instead
I have Fresca™!