Yes let’s put more power-tripping, feral hogs around our children.
Lol didn’t this dumbass almost get kidnapped and murdered by undercover feds in a right wing militia? Who do you think is working the force?
Instead of addressing the elephant in the room of neoliberal late capitalism making people snap and shoot up schools, the kneejerk american reaction is to put more armed goons in schools to harass black students.
A group of students wants to stop Gov. Gretchen Whitmer from directing $25 million to place police officers on campuses at 195 public school districts.
that’s over $130k per school.
the calculus politicians in the US do regarding gun violence and public education is decoupled from public goods. i just want to emphasize the opportunity cost of this move: imagine every district getting a pair of social workers instead of an armed bully with arrest powers.
how this is true after Uvalde is a testament to the amount of copaganda we wade through every day
To add to this: the political risk is asymmetrical, because if Whitmer keeps the SROs, a school shooting happens anyway, and the on-duty SRO fails to prevent it, almost nobody will blame Whitmer.
:yes-honey-left: Tuition Relief, please…
Oh sure they’ll be one or two silly cop shenanigans here or there but you negative nancies have to look at the positives! Speedrunning the school-to-prison pipeline by putting these goons in underfunded schools will help ensure a ready supply of sla-- uh, erm , cost-effective labor for Michigan to outsource .