no more animu?
It’s time for Government produced/subsidized anime.
Too Big To Fail!
Will the capitalist continue to exploit the artist or will Goku come save the day?!?!
We need an anime crash. Too many light novel isekai adaptions, not enough good stories. Change my mind.
The year is 2009 and you’re literally saying this about the latest moeblob/Kyoani copycat anime of the season.
Changing mainstream tastes got nothing to do with improving anything about the industry, the trend chasers will just pick something else.
I was saying it then too because anime has been getting progressively worse since it’s inception
Original Gundam had a scene where a woman falls in love with a guy who slaps her for being hysterical.
The latest Gundam has a main character declare in the first episode that everyone is bi and that being straight is some backwater hick shit.
We had an anime crash. In the 90’s. During the Lost Decade.
The entire reason we’re flooded with low quality otaku facing garbage is because it’s the only stuff that remains profitable during an economic crisis, because the only people spending money on non-essentials like dvds and merchandise are people whose entire identity is centered around that specific type of product consumption, and if the industry doesn’t cater to them you go out of business because no one else is buying.