It makes me more productive in my life. Like, last night, I was like “What should I do? Netflix has nothing good on, Reddit discussions are shit, video games aren’t fun anymore… I guess I could clean my apartment?” And now my apartment is clean.
It’s also gotten me to work on improving on stuff I actually enjoy instead of wasting my life.
it has forced me to play games that have been gathering dust in my steam library for like a decade
by the way, axiom verge and hyper light drifter? bangers
How did you manage to not want to play videogames? I can sink 999⁹ hours into a game like Factorio or like FF14 let alone the hours I’ll spend on a game that isn’t even fun
In my old age, I’ve become a lot more accepting of saying “fuck this, I’m bored” and stopping something. This has been beneficial. It has unfortunately been happening a lot more lately than it did even 5 years ago.
As a result, I’ve been doing a lot more creative things. I’ve been writing music again for the first time since high school, I’m writing a short story, and I’m developing a lil video game.
I think more people should do lil creative things. Things that aren’t for mass appeal. Things that might have 3 fans at best. That shit is cool. I love that shit. Yeah, I’m drunk at 2:45pm on a Saturday, don’t judge me. Accidentally got too drunk working on a song.
Hating liberal media has made me start doing a lot of drugs idk about this one for me personally
I understand your point but I still have so many episodes of Naruto to watch