Why the fuck are there leftists out there who recommend this bloated CIA adjacent fuck?
I don’t read post war philosophers :dean-smile:
Almost none of them have anything useful to say
To me, there’s the Quran/Veda/Analects line that comprises the religious texts of the world’s major religions (plus the Confucian classics since Confucianism is technically not a religion), religious texts that billions of people have read and have, for better or worse, completely internalized, subsuming every aspect of their society from politics to the arts. Along with the text themselves are the religious commentaries and paratext, some of which are so influential and popular as to be de facto treated as religious canon itself by believers (Christian equivalent would be like The Divine Comedy, Paradise Lost, and Summa Theologica).
To me, most post-18th century philosophical work done in the West that is also not explicitly Marxist (Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, the existentialists in general, Heidegger, analytic philosophers, postmodernists, neo-Hegelians like Zizek) does not cross this line. Setting aside the question over whether they should be read period, I don’t think any of these texts deserve to be read if you haven’t first read the Quran and associated commentaries to understand what and how 2 billion Muslims believe, first read the vedas and associated commentaries to understand what and how 1 billion Hindus believe, first read the Confucian classics and other classics from the Hundred School of Thought and associated commentaries to understand what and how the 1.4 billion people which comprises Chinese society sees itself.
There’s almost 2 billion Muslims living today. Is it not a sign of gross anti-intellectualism and Eurocentrism to not have this simple fact compel you to at bare minimum read certain passages of the Quran to understand what those 2 billion Muslims are all about?
“Everything I don’t like is CIA” lol c’mon
Thomas W. Braden, the former supervisor of cultural activities at the CIA, explained the power of the Agency’s cultural assault in a frank insider’s account published in 1967: “I remember the enormous joy I got when the Boston Symphony Orchestra [which was supported by the CIA] won more acclaim for the U.S. in Paris than John Foster Dulles or Dwight D. Eisenhower could have bought with a hundred speeches.” This was by no means a small or liminal operation. In fact, as Wilford has aptly argued, the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF), which was headquartered in Paris and later discovered to be a CIA front organization during the cultural Cold War, was among the most important patrons in world history, supporting an incredible range of artistic and intellectual activities. It had offices in 35 countries, published dozens of prestige magazines, was involved in the book industry, organized high-profile international conferences and art exhibits, coordinated performances and concerts, and contributed ample funding to various cultural awards and fellowships, as well as to front organizations like the Farfield Foundation.
I mean it literally fuckin is, what is this amateur hour? Do I need to pull certain episodes of Trueanon up before this shit reboots in your heads
So what I’m getting from your quote here, is the CIA pumped a whole lot of money into all sorts of cultural spheres to fight a “cultural Cold War”, which somehow makes everyone receiving any of that money (most likely without them knowing it was CIA money) a CIA, did I get that right?
No you did not get that right, I have repeatedly said I don’t think Derrida or most of the French philosophers were conscious of it, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a filter created by the CIA intervention in academia, and the people who get thru that filter are people who say and teach ideas compatible with the status quo, ideas which not surprisedly tend to be highly critical of Marxism and revolutionary politics
Yeah sure, cancel Derrida. Who gives a fuck. None of you read shit anyway.
I’m literally doing deconstruction but too Derrida, I’m following his lead dammit! :meow-tableflip:
The de- of deconstruction signifies not the demolition of what is constructing itself, but rather what remains to be thought beyond the constructionist or destructionist schema.
Put another way by Derrida:
But undoing, decomposing and de-sedimenting of structures was not a negative operation.
Doesn’t sound like you’re doing any deconstruction to me!
but rather what remains to be thought beyond the constructionist or destructionist schema.
Yeah, what “remains to be thought beyond” is called the Information Operations Center of the CIA
But undoing, decomposing and de-sedimenting of structures was not a negative operation.
Mf that’s geology not philosophy, “negative operation” what kind of happy-go-lucky magical nonsense is this