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The woke elite don’t want you to know this, but Stalin shouldn’t have stopped at Berlin
Anti woke comedy club
so middle aged white dudes saying the n word and complaining that college students won’t date them?
I’m not sure if this is a function of how compact downtown Austin is, but Google Maps is showing eight divorce lawyers’ offices within a mile of the club. :thinking-about-it:
Interesting to see how he keeps a comedy club going when all you have is one joke.
I think the best career path for a lazy person like me outside of podcast host/twitch streamer is canceled comedian, you have places lining up to pay you to keep telling the same story over and over again for why liberals are bad for calling you out on racism.
That’s why we gotta work together. Safety in numbers, everyone open carries.
"Any kulaks in the audience? No? You’re welcome :stalin-approval: "