I am currently learning to be a sysadmin and I have no software development skills. I love FOSS very much and want to contribute to several projects, including non-networked ones.
How can I do this with my skillset? I have a very small (16GB RAM) server that I could offer to these projects as a build server or web host. IDK what else I could do.
The way I help, as a Sysadmin, is primarily by using foss software in my job and feeding back with bug reports, issues and so on. I’ve raised several hundred issues on Github this way, and try to do them concisely, accurately and with as much relevant information as I can.
being able to reproduce crashes or bugs then documenting will help a lot.
i just dont have the time to decipher vague tickets from users.
take a look at open issues and see if you can reproduce them.
Find and report bugs. Write documentation.
While I don’t know what exactly you mean by sysadmin, it sounds to me as if you’d be better at setting up (and maintaining) CI/CD than most normal developers and that’s something that’d be very valuable to lots of projects out there.
Since you using the software documentation and creating issues you find would be a good start. Also as a sysadmin you might be familiar with integration of applications into other software which could be useful as a guide for other users. Especially scripting automation for your spefic deployment.