the 9/11 memorial shopping mall
Calatrava isn’t a fascist he just only does one thing. The Oculus looks the same as Liege-Guiellemins, which looks the same as the Milwaukee modern art museum, which looks the same as the Valencia city of science, etc etc.
Why did they even rebuild the tower lol. Was it REALLY that necessary for the economy? If they wanted it to be dramatic they would’ve just left it a hole instead of making a grander building to replace them
I think the best response would have been to just build exactly the same buildings again. On the whole America’s best possible response to 9/11 would have been to just pretend it didn’t happen.
That was literally one of the most popular plans. I remember watching a documentary and there was some old cowboy looking fella in the back of some big public meeting regarding what to do and he was all like “build em back bigger and better than ever!!!”
There’s two decent responses:
You build it up better than ever and be like “Yeah fuck off, blow this one up too, you fucking nerd, we’ll just build it up again! 'merica!!”
You do some self-reflecting and figure out why someone would want you to suffer something like this fix those issues, and THEN you build it up better than ever.
or you know, you can start forever wars half a world away because gotta keep those numbers up or capitalism will fail :amerikkka-clap:
And a lot cheaper. The WTC complex of 7 buildings cost $4bn, the war in Afghanistan cost £2.3tn . Imagine instead of invading Afghanistan your response to 9/11 was to build a THOUSAND TOWERS with money left over.
Imagine a different version of the US where they did that math in 2001 and decided instead to build a replica of the twin towers in every city with a population of over 50,000 people at that time. That’s 601 cities that get a free skyscraper business park, and it costs the same, 2.4 trillion dollars.
9/11 memorial shopping mall
Come on now. This is beyond parody.
Controversial take among everyone but I actually like the new wtc
yeah this building fucking sucks. looks like a dinosaurs rib cage, truly an eyesore
Death to America