“[W]hen Žižek discussed trans-issues in ‘Wokeness is Here to Stay’ on Compact Magazine, it’s as if Žižek has allowed himself to buy into his own kind of big Other and has forgotten Lacan’s central teaching that the big Other does not exist!”
Honestly, anything Zizek has written recently, including his trans-exterminatory drivel, reads as if he’s planning to land a grifter job at the Guardian.
I mean, they keep publishing his articles, it seems like the logical conclusion.
I wasn’t aware he’s already a Guardian columnist, but yeah, that makes sense that he’s feeding from that particular trash can.
“One of Žižek’s great contributions to philosophy is in articulating the juncture between German Idealism (Hegel, Kant) on the one hand, and Psychoanalysis (Lacan, Freud) on the other, while at the same time maintaining a proper Marxist analysis. Žižek’s analysis of Anti-Semitism in Sublime Object of Ideology is precisely in recognizing that is isn’t enough to say that the anti-semite is simply wrong about the facts of Jewish people (content), but that we must show that “the anti-Semitic idea of Jew has nothing to do with Jews; the ideological figure of a Jew is a way to stitch up the inconsistency of our own ideological system”(49). To detangle anti-semetic logic, it becomes necessary to show that the form of anti-semitism is in reality a flimsy ideological web which is used to cover up both the lack in one’s own subjectivity, but also in the failure of the anti-semite to recognize the lack in the other. This is why Lacan and Žižek say that the “big other does not exist”. Subjectivity, for Žižek, is a void. Most prejudices (racist, sexist, homophobic, classist, as well as transphobic) are understood as a scrappy inconsistent way for Subjects to cover this void, or contradictions latent within Identity (which is always split).”