I feel sorry for kids being in a panopticon during the years most of us are at least a little cringe, but holy shit Imagine being this guy.
On one hand, ask the kid what he thinks about women and see if you still feel sympathy. On the other hand, the system failed by allowing him to be brain rotted with Tate-Tok.
i know it’s easy to do it but man social media has genuinely fucked with developing kids brains so hard. like the kid is going to have a tough reality check eventually discovering that saying you’re “alpha” isn’t going to get a person far or liked. the teacher handled it very well though, didn’t even really raise his voice at all and gave no leeway in hearing out that shit
If a high schooler in all black came up to me and started saying this shit, I would assume that he’s going to pull out an AR15 out of his backpack
What really upsets me about this is this kid sounds like he has a learning disability of some kind. What grifters like Tate do to these young boys with vulnerable minds is fucking predatory and disgusting. Fuck him.
Like I’m not letting the kid completely off the hook accountability wise but this situation absolutely makes me more mad at Tate then I’ve been before.
He could also just have a speech impediment. I know a guy in the higher levels of academia that talks like this.
Imagine a world where IEPs included speech therapy. I can find a lisp or a stutter endearing, but I know for a lot of people it’s a huge source of embarrassment and social anxiety. If there’s a term for the manner of speech he’s using I don’t know it, but I have heard it a lot from almost exclusively guys, and most if not all seemed to have some difficulties with socialization. I’d be curious to know if there’s a casual connection either direction there, as I could see how having fewer face to face conversations, especially in early development, would make it harder to learn to produce the full range of sounds needed for speech in a natural and comfortable way. And how likewise having difficulty producing speech in a natural and comfortable manner would make one shy away from interactions requiring it.
So…do kids just like never kick the shit out of other kids now? You could not have that attitude, especiallypaired with that voice and not have had it physically removed by getting fucking swarmed on a daily basis. You would know to keep this kinda shit to yourself by high school. You’d be a disruptive dumbass in a different more acceptable way, but this is too cringe.
lmao yeah the entire video I was sitting there like “the alpha is going to get tripped by someone in the lunch room” but then again, a lot of the bullies growing up were also the kind who would absolutely love a kid like this. Bullying via encouragement, like sarcastically calling them ‘the alpha’ and convincing him to stand up in class & be a dipshit and the kid not picking up on it at all.
That was me, I was that bully. It was a rare type when I was a kid. I was also a non nerd brand weird kid that was kinda hard to place by those who attended my fancy classes cause I was a smart boi
Yeah I had a number of friends who were those bullies. We both know the alpha is going to wind up stumbling into some jock or dude who never leaves the mechanics/ag & has never interacted with the alpha, who is going to blink when the alpha tells them to apologize & subsequently cause everyone to have to go to a 2hr long school-wide assembly about bullying when he gives the alpha a public wedgie at 8am on a wednesday morning in front of half of the school.
Or there will invariably be a recreation of that classic Simpsons scene with the monkey knife fight with two dweebs when their daily alpha karate/misogyny demonstration in the corner of the courtyard gets heated one day over something inscrutable to the rest of the school.