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I really, really like this idea.
I’ve had an idea of making a super simple / user-friendly personal cookbook web app for a long time, because so many recipes sites are just so miserable to use.
I think this site looks great already, but if you’d be interested in contributing / offering feedback to something like this just let me know
Feature idea:
Make it so the first entire half of the page isn’t some derivative drivel of a blog post containing all the hot search keywords, so that you have to scroll for five minutes before you can actually even tell if you’re interested in the recipe or not.
That’s… that’s it :eyes: lol
OK fine: also, less ‘use 1 teaspoon of salt’ and more ‘keep adding salt until it tastes good, but keep in mind that the flavours will change as it cools down’ :red-fist:
I’m completely with you there.
I think that there is some room for an expandable block of the “history” of a recipe if it’s something like a family recipe or has cultural significance. But I hate the filler copy people write for recipes.
This is awesome, thank you.
Thanks, Kukuwuznik !