After seeing a few “MORE 👏 WOKE 👏 GENOCIDES” takes today, I think liberals are just unable to think of politics in a useful and informative way. They constantly post observations like “wow Trump is so awful, I’m starting to miss Bush!” These thoughts don’t do anything except let liberals appear politically aware when they are really just spinning their wheels.
So much of what liberals do and say is, to a lot people, incredibly paralyzing and alienating. Comparing Bush to Trump in that way doesn’t offer any useful critique of either person, and it just allows Bush to rehabilitate himself.
That’s why it’s important to be aware of how you think about this stuff. You have to ask yourself “Is this thought going to do anything other than make me paralyzed? or is it helping me understand what’s going on around me so I can be better informed about my actions?”
The key to being a good leftist is thinking carefully about the world around you so your actions can better reflect your material conditions.
libs make the chuds’ jobs so much easier, it’s galling
I think the source of the liberal sickness that can be seen on twitter is a result of liberal theory having no praxis that isn’t obviously useless even to them. It’s all representation, better consumption and self improvement. Especially centering self improvement has created a perverse view among liberals that analysis in itself is praxis.
This causes uncontrollable birth of new theory that is not based on praxis and can’t be tested by praxis. These cancerous ideas poison all liberal thought.
Hell, it’s barely self-improvement! Most liberals I know are deeply uninterested in improving their understanding of the world-- they just want the world to adhere to their current understanding because they can’t possibly improve or deepen their understanding of the world.
It astounds me how stupid some liberals are. Some of them talk about politics like they’ve never met a person before.