New language promises to reduce compilation times by using all threads and gpu cores available on your machine. What’s your opinions on it so far?
seems like gnu parallel with some build chain helpers. my problem is that if youre not already writing with gnu parallel or similar in mind then youre just added more complexity.
how do you compile code with gnu parallel? i mean, i’m really ignorant on parallel and at first glance it seemed that there’s no way of compiling separate chunks of code with it.
Skeptical. I wrote a compiler from scratch which does this. The biggest problem is not in the execution but in the memory bandwidth that becomes costly.
Automatic parallel computing is to me a pipe dream.
The concept also appears to downplay the importance of software architecture. You must design your program around this. The compiler can’t help you if you express your programs in a serial fashion, which is the fundamental problem that makes parallel computing hard.
I don’t mean to be a downer. By all means, give it a shot. I’m just not seeing the special ingredient that makes this attempt successful where many others like it have failed.
It seems like Fortran except it’s python syntax and it’s weakly typed so you will get into type checking hell if you use any library which tries to be fancy and create their own types.
Outside of the syntax though: The speedups look really cool!
I’m curious to see what potential speedups would look like in a large project.
Additionally, I’m curious to see what the power requirements are for programs written in it since it seems like it will highly parallelize all statements in the language.
I also wonder how soon it will be for someone to implement a deadfish / bf / lisp interpreter in it