The Maowusu Desert was created in the last century due to desertification, mostly began to erode in large amount from 1950s-1980s due to heavy industrialization, so if anything this is like a green reconquest, now birds and other seasonal animals are coming back.
Oh, I didn’t realize that the desert was new–that changes everything about my attitude towards this. I’m glad they’re successfully restoring the habitat there!
Desert got probably put into a reeducation camp. Did you people see the train full of Desert?? They are enslaving Desert, China bad!
Unthinkable to think they ruined a perfectly good desert. I would’ve put a little pool in it and started a successful private beach resort.
They’ve exported their techniques to a lot of African nations , and I believe “The Great Green Wall” project has come out of that exchange.
The Great Green Wall project is as far as I know not going that well sadly.
Theres been some valid criticism and mixed results but it’s only 15 percent complete, clearly it will take more effort, but no reason to fall into despair already:
Oh no! Not the deserts!