Yeah, I know. Breaking news. r/SneerClub informs me that this was par for the course back then and Schopenhauer was better than some. But still holy fuck. This is 1st preface to World. Dude wrote it when he was only 30 years old
Fuck that’s brutal. His mum was 100x cooler than him and that’s not up for debate
What’s your point, caller?
Just Saiyan. No particular point as such, but I think he (Schopenhauer) is something of a cautionary tale
The title is ‘Goddamn Schopenhauer was a dick’ and the screenshot is him saying that Kant is good and translated Sanskrit stuff is good. It feels like you’re expressing a incomplete thought.
r/SneerClub informs me that this was par for the course back then
What’s the "this? Building your thought on Kant?
It was the hubris of saying the Upanishads could be derived as corollary from his work. The hubris was par for the course
To be clear: I am a Schopenhauer enjoyer in spite of his many bad opinions. Somehow Marx and Schopenhauer were both right but I’m too uneducated to synthesise the two
Considering the last guy to try and do it was Mainländer, I’d say don’t do it.
I still haven’t read Mainländer. I got probably a decade’s reading backlog. Shit’s fucked
Might do an effortpost about what I think he was right/wrong on at some point
Yeah, well he did leave it from 1818 until his death. He wrote it at 30 and never rescinded it. Chad move tbh. Like not deleting tweets when you get ratioed