Remember this shit? Lmao
The Pandemic has had so many great moments that brought the world together. Evergiven, the entire world shitting on Sweden or coming together to celebrate the death of the Queen. For all the horror there have been some real moments where, just for a moment, humanity felt like a small, tight knit group of people sitting around the fire in the evening again.
The couple of days when trump had covid and we genuinely didn’t know if he would live or die were some of the most fun I’ve ever had posting.
Remember when he was in front of that weird green screen of the White House lawn? Remember when they were pumping him so full of steroids that he was more hormone than man? God that shit was good
Right at the start of COVID-19 when all those politicians were going on about how the virus wasn’t a big deal only to be immediately hospitalised by it was peak comedy.
Boris Johnson catching it and then lying how bad his case was to get sympathy was hilarious.
Trump bragging about shaking people’s hands and how he wasn’t afraid of COVID only to almost die of it was almost perfect dramatic irony.
Bolsonaro catching it multiple times. :chefs-kiss:
“Am I going out like Stan Chera” has been permanently etched into my mind, such a great line.
I still say the teacher in Myanmar hosting a remote dance session while a coup was underway in the background was the single best piece of media to capture the absurdity of the era.
| :ever-given: |
Sex arses