“Next year, America goes to the polls. Donald Trump is running for president while under criminal indictment,” interviewer Beth Rigby said. “This, the man who back in 2016 consistently accused you of law-breaking and actively encouraged chats of ‘lock her up,’ directed at you. It’s pretty ironic, isn’t it, that he’s now a former president that could face a jail term. How does it make you feel?”
IT’S HER TURN :lets-fucking-go:
:data-laughing: oh god a Hillary / Trump rematch would be too fucking good
Both of them lose to Richard Michael Allen “Lil Dope Boy” Bradley-Vargas - Independent from Jacksonville FL who is only informed of his candidacy after a news reporter tracks him down, two days after the election is called. He received 12 votes, but these were the only verifiable votes after both Trump and Clinton called into question the validity of their opponent’s voters.