I don’t see any good future for my current country(India) due to many different problems.
I don’t have any motivation to continue living in this country and want to move to a developed country to have a decent Quality of Life at least. I am considering some countries in Europe because they align with what I want for a better QoL.
I am blacklisting war torn countries like the US. Also east Asia is lower priority because the work culture is as shit as India.
What country should I try to move to?
As a European, Germany would be my first destination to look at - Good QoL, good rights, they’re consistently in need of immigration to fill out workforces, and they’re efficiently expanding housing for immigrants. They obviously have plenty of challenges too, but nothing really exclusive.
Do not consider Canada. Our cost of living is exploding even faster than the US, and various provinces are racing to see who can privatize health care faster than each other.
and various provinces are racing to see who can privatize health care faster than each other.
yeah, that’s what scares me most. I want people to wake the fuck up soon but I think they’ll just turn to fascism
I’ve met many teachers from India in China. You are correct that the work culture sucks, though.
You’ll definitely have a very high quality of life.
Ireland. How do u plan to get visa doe?