Whenever I see reddit preppers talking about their preparation for when “shit hits the fan”, I can’t help but notice they seem to think they’ll survive on their little homestead either alone or with their nuclear family. They don’t seem too worried about the threat of civilization collapsing, they’re just excited that they’ll get the chance to larp as lords ruling over their lands.

But without any kind of community organization or serious wealth to hire a private militia, aren’t they just as fucked as the rest of us? Like, these people are going to be the very first targets of roving bands of raiders no matter how many tacticool, tricked out AR-15s they own, right?

31 points

There’s a popular saying amongst preppers: If you’re not arming yourself, you’re just gathering supplies for someone else.

I have a rebuttal: If you’re not doing community building and mutual aid, you’re just gathering weapons for your local warlord. If you have 50 guns, you’re not gonna be much of a match for 50 people with 1 gun each.

Prepping can be fun and useful. If it is not paired with mutual aid and community building, you’re just a slightly more organized hoarder. Look at all the people who kept giant stockpiles of masks during the pandemic. THE THREAT THEY WERE PREPARING FOR HAPPENED AND THEY DID NOT DISTRIBUTE THEIR PRIMARY DEFENSE AGAINST THAT THREAT. I’d imagine most situations are similar. They’ll stockpile millions of rounds of ammunition and dozens of guns, but then plan to use them themselves. Like, 1 or 2 people. They prepare the materials to provision a community defense force, but then in their head they plan to do Operation Rooftop Koreans. It’s a larp, and an expensive one at that.

24 points

when katrina hit society devolved and many black people got lynched by white supremacists. those white supremacists are still out there, never caught

so yeah, prepping as a socialist does have benefits considering the climate is getting more unstable each day

23 points
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19 points
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My prepper dreams involve a commune up in Vermont where we can base operations to seek others to help. But I am poor and will probably be a roving raider.

18 points

I mean to be fair the only way you “could” potentially make it work would be as an armed commune that knows how to farm etc. Like if you are just a single guy with 50 guns unless you got a very well hidden bunker (still dangerous) your chances are pretty bleak.

Connections/organization/and useful skills are gonna be very important. That whole lone survivor stuff seems incredibly dangerous if you actually want to survive. Unless you are somewhere in a tundra/desert where no else wants to live.

Just my 2 cents as a guy that is totally gonna die if global collapse happens.


Sure, sure, but in my head, I think we’re there. Like not mad max shit, but the fact that we’re not talking about the need for underground railroads, these types of communities, and whatnot is the Left in the US missing a very small window. :william-van-spronsen:

11 points

Well isnt that because the left in the USA is very weak and disorganized? Correct me if im wrong but I doubt most people “really” worry about societal collapse until it happens. Most people “preppers” are just larpers that would get looted (and possibly killed) by larger groups.

If you mean you want to organize in prep. for societal collapse be my guest. Its great to have useful skills and be able to help other people. I dont know of any large scale leftist movement in the USA that takes post/apocalyptic scenarios into consideration. (Which fair enough Im not sure how I would approach that either)

2 points

the Left in the US

virtually non-existent
