red scare 9.11 let’s gooooo
Thats some cool free speech you got there US
Just remember that free speech always comes with a tiny little * next to it
charged under United States Code S.118 P3, Political Speech While Black
Sir. You’re coming with me. Your memes have been classified as illegally dank.
Is Reddit championing these people’s free speech, or do they only do that for Nazis and pedophiles?
“Russia’s foreign intelligence service allegedly weaponized our First Amendment rights — freedoms Russia denies its own citizens — to divide Americans and interfere in elections in the United States,” Justice Department’s National Security Division Assistant Attorney General Matthew G. Olsen said in a statement.
is the contention is that when someone “weaponizes” a civil right, they should be “disarmed” of that right? can’t wait to hear this guy’s take on Second Amendment rights.