Shit sucks and is bad for the brain
Yeah you get to a kind of zen place about it
What specifically happened? They told you they don’t want to speak anymore because of your politics?
I’m happy to explain in detail but doing so would expose a lot of stuff about my band that I want to keep under wraps. DM me and I’ll break it down
Gotta hide your power level sometimes, comrade
That really sucks comrade. I have had the opposite experience and have gained many friends since I realized I was a communist - other cool radicals that I organize with.
I will say I don’t mention the full extent of my political beliefs with a ton with my lib family or friends, there’s just so much propaganda in the imperial core that it’s not worth it unless there’s enough space to explain how being a communist doesn’t make me a homicidal maniac. I think they mostly get the idea because I do talk about politics a lot and express radical perspectives often, but the term communist still makes a lot of well-meaning people malfunction.
I’ve been meeting a lot of new people lately and its been by and large really nice. Just wish I wasnt finding myself trashing long term relationships while I was at it.
Yeah fr that does really suck, and I wish that didn’t happen to you.
In the spirit of constructive crit though, from all your responses here it doesn’t really sound like you lost your friends because you’re a communist, but because you can’t control talking about your politics? I could be wrong, you’re in these situations and I’m not, but just wondering if this might be a time for some self-crit instead of blaming communism.
I am long overdue for that but today is not the day. You are very much correct though, and I absolutely recognize that.