Firmly in my grilling arc atm.
Every country is having record strikes and protests right now, it just isn’t being televised. Because the ruling class is scared as shit right now.
They want you to think there is no hope. Don’t let them win.
You guys had hope?
Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will :gramsci-heh:
Pessimism of the intellect, pessimism of the will. If I was chucked into some jail by a fascist I’d just get really depressed and die, not write shit, get really depressed and die. I guess Gramasci was built different
Why are you broadcasting it to already-insecure and alienated communists?
Not OP, but I don’t know, just maybe they’re doing it to not feel so FUCKING ALONE in an insanely hostile, victim-blaming hellworld that is rapidly spiraling the drain? For starters. Jesus christ. Why are you here when there’s a giant popular site called reddit that celebrates and rewards your lack of empathy?
it’s impossible to know the future also the west is being pushed out of Africa and South America in ways that 20 years ago were assumed impossible