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The year is 2023 and you’re doing the Chinese slamophobia bit but you don’t realize you’re at least 4 years late to the party and that this isn’t reddit and nobody is going to applaud you and clutch their pearls over their “rreedoms” right?
You are literaly quote one of if not the most infamous NGO on the planet on this site for this audience?
Before you even begin to talk about Xinjiang please watch (CW:NSFL) this report entirely, actualy look at the number and severity of the attacks, actualy watch the interviews with many of the attackers.
The US suffered one terrorist attack which they almost certainly could’ve stopped but didn’t in history and then they started a war that killed and injured millions. :so-true:
The Chinese suffered dozens of attacks from 1990-2015 and they checks notes built schools and prisons to re-educate and de-radicalize the terrorists. :wojak-nooo:
Its a documentary from China’s own CGTN. Unless you are actualy willing to watch the actual terrorists attacks you are just trolling.
Lol, lmao, lib.
Does anyone find it weird that this genocide narrative has walked back from imprisoning 13 million people to illegal phone searches?
Yeah, I read reddit, a lot of people thought that it was straight up killing all Uyghers. I had someone earnestly claim to me that it was worse than anything the Romans did in my personal sphere.
it did report on the UN claiming it was
“The UN” made no such claim, a commitee within the UN headed by a Brit made the claim, but the UN in general did not even nominally sign on to it.