After I saw the tweets - I googled. The top result was all I needed to see.
More googling…
A Newsweek Inc Deputy Editor’s compensation ranges from $79,311 to $100,874,
Everytime - they make excuses he has a rap sheet and still walking so that means modern day lynching is cool.
So instead of fixing the problem, let’s close them and throw the patients out on the street, creating the modern homelessness crisis as we know it. Great idea ACLU!
um, take SEVERAL seats sweatie, murdering the homeless is a WORKERS RIGHTS issue.
It’s okay when you do a little Aktion T4, as long as you’re just doing it to feed your kids.
It’s sickening. and. exhausting? like spiritually exhausting? Something like that? Like a scraping out and barrening of hte soul? That people will blame the weakest and most needful and most vulnerable and imperiled people in society, hte people who have no agency or power what so ever, for the things that the mighty do.
Okay, then in that case it is NOT a human right for a toothless inbred to shout insults at me for being Jewish without me decking 'em.
Oh? Too far? Good, now you know how I feel about attacking homeless people.