43 points

Biden’s urge to get us all killed in nuclear hellfire strikes again. Just because he’s so close to death doesn’t mean we all have to go with him

17 points

Can’t blame only him considering the fact that Russia does nothing against it when the US is know for escalation.

It’s not good to blame the victim but when the victim does have the power to do something about it but does nothing it just makes things worse for everyone else as the agressor will take it as an invitation and double down against them and everyone else too.

I guess we will see where this leads us but I’m not sure this path is as good as one that had some resistance.

17 points

I can understand Russia’s reticence, given that the U.S. is always foaming at the mouth to do something horrifically evil and aggressive, and the U.S. will fucking consider a pigeon landing on a NATO commander’s head to be a Russian plot. But you’re right in that Russia in hindsight should have gone more tit for tat.

39 points

Russia has stated they will hit back.

The fact is these weapons are given by the US, targeted based on US intelligence from operators outside Ukraine, and almost certainly fired with a push of the button by US forces or only upon US approval. The US is entering the war as a direct combatant and Russia claims to be growing tired of their salami-slicing tactics (honestly who can say though, the war of words has been at maximum for a while now and Russia seems to be trying to manage the west to prevent escalation which unfortunately allows some degree of escalation and may be taken as weakness by the west and a sign to push things up to the point there is no going back).

Russia has stated they reserve the right to strike the US, any parts of NATO responsible for this (intelligence centers, etc) in retaliation AND that if the US escalates in response to such strikes that they will deploy and use nuclear weapons.

Things are getting very bad, very quickly as the failing west desperately tries to hold onto its hegemony. Russia is fully aware of what their victory means for that hegemony and the west seems so as well. So we’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. Russia cannot accept a rump state along current lines armed to the teeth by NATO, the west cannot accept a loss.

Will we all die in nuclear fire? Will saner heads prevail? I know it’s not reasonable but I kind of wish for a movie moment here, for trains and trains of DPRK or Chinese soldiers to show up at the Ukraine front, overwhelm the Ukrainians and quickly put an end to the conflict before the west can escalate.

24 points

The rulling classes never showed any concern over killing millions of people. I dont think they grew any empathy meanwhile. This madness will end in war, be it a civil war inside the US, or a world war set to kill billions (with the B) of people. The US didnt do all it did in the past years preparing for war to just give up now. Either the power to do this war is taken away from the rulling classes in the US or they will go ahead

9 points

We’re not anywhere near a revolutionary moment. 30% of the country is convinced Russian influence operations control a lot of the country and installed Trump and are trying to destroy the US entirely. 40% of the country (overlapping with above somewhat) is convinced China is trying to destroy and control us with tik-tok and the rest are mostly too tired, too beat down by bad labor conditions and life to care to think on it one way or the other.

US civil war is a meme. It’s not happening anytime soon, even the strongest moments of BLM were minor and the US is far too good at managing things at home and distracting the masses. We’re decades out from discontent and economic conditions getting bad enough that there’s anything resembling an insurrection and it won’t be red states vs blue states but uprisings in cities that grow and grow and refuse to be extinguished as they get more intense.

World war it is then if you’re right. And likely nuclear because Russia can’t win against US and NATO without devastating losses and a huge mandatory mobilization. China won’t intervene because that’s against their foreign policy. The DPRK could I suppose decide letting the US host nuclear weapons in the occupied south is unacceptable and launch an attack to retake the south and catch the US with their pants down but I’m skeptical they will either.

Though I suppose Russia could blink at the last moment and decide they’ll tolerate a heavily armed, NATO-ified rump state on their border rather than go to nuclear war. Russia’s reluctance all along has worsened things for them and I’m not entirely convinced they’re over it. The amount of times they talk about wanting talks comes off as almost pleading really which signals weakness to the vicious west and I’m afraid probably could lead to escalation from the west mis-analyzing all this as a sign that if they just push them a bit more they’ll sue for peace or give up. Then again this all could also just be western bluff and bluster and they could be out of ideas other than playing Nixon’s “madman” card against Russia and hoping they back down.

11 points

I honestly feel there are no sane heads left in the west.

7 points

hey now

11 points

I highly doubt we’ll die in a nuclear fire, and I’m 90 percent sure than saner heads will prevail. I highly doubt the west all actually do anything over Ukraine.

I would love Chinese, Cuban, DPRK troops and Congolese socialists to show up suddenly and propel the UkraNazis.

39 points

I am always a fan of going out of your comfort zone and testing your boundaries as a person but I think this is a bit too much

36 points

Well as long as they have permission then I guess it’s okay! Because I guess the US can just do that.

40 points

I know right, crazy how that works. Imagine Russia telling Mexico they can fire missiles into Texas.

31 points

26 points

Mmhmm mmhmm mmhmm ok

Next up: Time to call Putin’s bluff

Can’t wait to die alongside everyone I’ve ever met loved hated in nuclear hellfire

1 point

Biden is alot of things, but I think ultimately he is empty posturing. That coward wouldn’t risk his last few years.


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