Are there other hobbyists that literally go out of their way to shoot themselves in the foot every chance they get? It’s legit baffling.
Are there other hobbyists that literally go out of their way to shoot themselves in the foot every chance they get? It’s legit baffling.
Tabletop wargamers got them beat
Fancy watch guys(and the occasional lady) come off to me as a group that would light their money on fire if they didn’t have a hobby where they have to spend 5 figures to prove their loyalty, in order to be given the opportunity to spend a larger 5 figures on the thing they actually want.
Video games can be art but G*mers don’t know it. That’s why they’re like that
(source: am gamer)
Guitarists are up there, especially the blues dentists who line up to buy the latest overpriced Gibson custom shop wood plank so they can hang it on a wall and never play it*. Then there are the guys who will buy thousands of dollars’ worth of Strymon effects pedals and ask Reddit how to dial them in rather than, I don’t know, watching a fucking gear demo or five before dropping $400-500 per pedal. Then you have Boomer gear snobs who insist that if it isn’t made in the US, it’s garbage (categorically untrue), or that solid state amplifiers all sound “weak” and “thin” and “fizzy,” regardless of the model or manufacturer, and regardless of miserably failing at blind A/B comparisons… It’s the same audiophile snobbery, but with a lower barrier to entry.
* Which is probably the best use for them, since Gibson’s quality control has sucked ass for the past decade or more. If you buy online, you’re lucky to get one that doesn’t have a pube trapped in the clear coat finish.