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:meow-hug: same, friend
In a stratified, liberal capitalist society, the ability to command market power, to charge a margin sufficiently above the cost of inputs to cover the purchase of positional goods [like violin lessons for little Madison, or a house in the right neighorhood], becomes the definition of caste. When goods like health, comfort, safety, and ones children’s life prospects are effectively price-rationed, individuals will lever themselves to the hilt to purchase their place. The result is a strange precariot, objectively wealthy, educated and in a certain sense well-intended, who justify as a matter of defensive necessity participation in arrangements whose ugliness they cannot quite not see. In aggregate, they are predators, but individually they are also prey, and they feel embattled. So long as the intensity of stratification endures, they will feel like they have little choice but to participate in, even to collude to entrench, the institutions that secure their market power and their relatively decent place.
you should read about desire-production. essentially the induced needs of a backwards capitalist society can’t really give you any satisfaction because the desire is entirely negative. the only way for humans to exercise their humanity is through desire that is not borne of any lack - material or psychological - but simply because we want to do it. so essentially we’ve just got to figure out how to spend as much of our lives engaged in desire-productive activities if we are to fight at all against overwhelming alienation
For the Utopian Capitalist this probably is comparable to fundamentally not wanting to eat to live, not like in terms of animal products but at all.
In the capitalist utopia there simply will be a job you love, that will not feel like working a day in your life.