Congratulations. I have so many fucking tree shelters up and I hate looking at them. I want to say some can come down next season but I had a deer snap an apple tree trunk clean in half last year and that thing was already an inch or two thick, so maybe that’s wishful thinking. They’re fucking unstoppable. We’ll see who has the last laugh come hunting season though.
Best part of walking around a neighborhood is seeing all the flowers people grow in their yards. Way better than grass
I cannot express the hate I have for the standard American lawn. I see if every day and it honestly disgusts me. Fuck lawns
It’s an inescapable symbol of so much of the horrible shit about this culture, and they’ll use violence to force you to participate in it by leveraging fines or other legal actions if your grass isn’t green enough or short enough or healthy enough or or or or or. Fuck it. I want to exterminate Kentucky blue grass from the earth.
“Why would anyone do drugs when all you have to do is mow a lawn?”
Why would anyone waste all that fertilizer, water, seeding & mowing work + fuel costs just to make the damn ground green
There are a substantial cohort of people who simply enjoy spending time in their living spaces. They like to make these spaces comfortable and tending to growing things brings them psychic rewards. It’s deeply rooted in our psyche. I recently moved into an apartment with a flower box and boy, I had no idea you could get so much pleasure from a couple of herbs growing in pots. I love watering them and watching them grow and pruning them. I wish I had a much larger area to take care of. Maybe a house…with a yard…
Buddy I’ve had a yard, it sucks. Gardens are where it’s at. Parks rule. Also more clover and mixed grasses. More mosses. More rocks and paths through weeds… Fuck lawn grass.
Also growing lil plants feels way different from the lawn idk I can’t describe it. A cactus is like on the opposite end of the spectrum from shitty lawn grass.
Weeds are good people. Dandelions and clovers are lovely treats for bees
Transforming some of my acreage away from lawn and mass agriculture has lead to some of the more libertarian moments of my life. Just telling people like, “this here’s private property” or “I own this ground”.
Been one of the most fulfilling things I’ve done (not even close to complete).