This should be put up in a museum
If he comes to your town, it means he thinks you are all backward. So do your duty, and sling a shake .
Might not be from Maccie Ds as they are expensive. Possibly not even a milkshake, let’s go dairy free for the planet. However, I am sure you can all rummage up something. Not that he’d dare come up here.
Is your local water company irresponsibly releasing sewage into your rivers?
Are you struggling to find an environmentally sound liquid to throw over Nigel Farridge?
I wonder if there’s some sort of solution to both these problems? Perhaps there is a way to both help remove a small amount of sewage from the river and also find something to throw at Nigel?
oooh - a great shot from the young lady, to open the season with what looks like it might be banana milkshake.
Maybe this be the first of many - have a great season and happy shake slinging.
I like that this has become a sort of election tradition now lol.
If I can propose a slight tweak, if you know he’s heading your way might I suggest buying the milkshake about a week beforehand to allow it to reach it’s full potential? Let it level up, so to speak.
Rember when that dipshit Andy ngo got milkshakes and chids were trying to argue it wad assault because it was actually concrete not milkshake.
I’m not saying it was concrete, I’m just saying that’s an interesting thought exercise.
People throwing mysterious liquids over other people is a problem, even if it can be comical. Imagine if it had been one of those nutters throwing bathroom cleaner.
Deserved. How many elections has he already lost? He needs to get in the sea already.