“Tankie” is not being used srsly here if it wasn’t obvious lol
wash your ass or watch your ass, tankies :sickarus:
I wash usually around 1pm, after I work out and halfway through the work day.
I dunno. I like being gross in the morning. It makes the shower feel earned.
:tank-deluxe: :tankie:
Look, it gets sweaty in here, OK?
not sure if you have cause for concern or if your family are just huge assholes but if you don’t already maybe try showering with antibacterial soap
try showering with antibacterial soap
That’s a good way to demolish your skin microbiome (a positive and healthy thing that we need) and might even make the problem worse in the long run.
i guess I shouldn’t really be giving people advice when I don’t know anything about anything
im proud of my good hygiene because its good to be clean and i even shampoo my hair daily
I want to cut down on how often i wash my hair, it’s healthier for it and it also takes forever to dry now that it’s below my shoulders, but it’s hard not to wash it when i’m showering anyway, y know?