The European Parliament elections are tomorrow* and there’s nobody to vote for. (technically e-voting and pre-voting started on monday, but I always vote on the „correct“ day)
The only mainstream party that doesn’t want war with Russia (or says it doesn’t) is EKRE. However, I don’t want to vote for them. Not only are they very conservative but recently their MEP Jaak Madison was accused of sexually harassing someone.
Another option is KOOS. They, too, are socially conservative but they are the only anti-NATO party. Not much point in voting for them though, polls show KOOS will get less than 2% of votes.
I probably shouldn’t vote at all. Not only is my vote worthless but we only have 7 seats in the European Parliament so it doesn’t matter anyway. I know that bourgeois elections are mostly pointless, it just sucks to see how little my opinion matters.
Sorry, this is mostly a vent post with some links to give y’all context (not very good sources), I just feel alone and nobody IRL understands.
Not much point in voting for them though, polls show KOOS will get less than 2% of votes.
I want to highlight something that doesn’t get talked about often: besides that this isn’t sport and you don’t have to pick the ‘winning team’, getting extra votes can really help a party. Our party got like 5% in the last elections, which is a tiny amount of the total votes of course. But it got us into Parliament. And with that, we received a big amount of money (as in 1 million plus) to further our cause. With that money we could start new regional chapters, set up actions, etc. And now we are looking at a result of over 10% of the votes.
Sometimes choosing smaller parties that fit with your views can help to spread said views too, through monetary benefits and exposure.
This is really important for people to understand. Thank you for laying this out so clearly! I have been trying to explain this to people in regards to the DKP.
Yes they are probably not going to pass the 5% barrier in any federal elections, but even if they don’t it still helps build up the party if they get more votes. And who knows, in regional elections they may actually get a bit of power in a few places if we can build that momentum.
It’s not about winning, it’s about spreading the message of the party and making the masses aware of their views. A large part of how the liberal bourgeois parties maintain control is by simply keeping the population unaware of the fact that (non-socdem) left wing viewpoints even exist.
Definitely vote, just vote for whatever the closest thing to a revolutionary party that you can, even if that party is only going to get like 2%, revolution won’t happen via the voting box but there’s a reason that the CIA tries to subvert these parties.
Social democrats can “win” sometimes but their advances are fleeting, look at Sweden, Netherlands, and France to see how quickly their gains can be undone. Hell, even Labour in Britain and the Democratic Party in the US were somewhat respectable social democratic parties in the earlier to mid 20th century. However why would they work to shut down CPUSA (before it was co-opted)? Because it can serve as a barometer for revolutionary sentiment.
Not much point in voting for them though, polls show KOOS will get less than 2% of votes.
This is the wrong way to think about parliamentary elections. Every vote cast for a party that is anti-war decreases the percentage of votes of the pro-war parties and thus their legitimacy.
Ideally you would have a communist party that you could vote for, even if it’s a small one which is not likely to get a lot of votes. But if that’s not an option a pro-Russian party seems like the least bad choice in the present circumstances.
Liberals always like to talk about the lesser evil, well in this case this is that. You say yourself that they are not going to even get a seat anyway so you won’t be doing any real harm nor really endorsing their socially conservative views, but you will still have cast a protest vote against war and against russophobia.
Not OP, but an important point in some countries:
We got a communist party, but the only party openly pro-russia ist the far right ones. The ones that wish for fascism like in the ‘old days’. I know, centrists are not much better, bur voting fot the exact opposite of the communists seems not right.
Im from Austria. The popular opinion here on many things is just plain stupid.
Telling others that china is not as bad as media wants us to believe, or being anti-zionist, or claiming NATO has fucked up so much in Europe will be met with weird reactions, ignorance, aggression or questioning your sanity…
So our communist party is careful in the way they speak…
dont just vote, convince your friends to vote with you for a third party that represents your interests; even better if you join a union and do similar.
It doesn’t seem like any party represents your views. Even if you were a liberal in a liberal democracy, why would you vote?