It needs a pussyhat.
There’s a whole group of unreconstructed 2017 liberals who have been holding out like those Japanese soldiers on the Pacific islands after WWII
They are reading the Steele Dossier and talking about Carter Page. They have memorized every Tweet that Louise Mensch ever posted. They know that Putin is gearing up to steal another election. They are breathlessly sharing EPIC CLAPBACKS by Nancy Pelosi. They are replying to r/politics posts by u/PoppinKREAM. They are analyzing the attire of world leaders in obsessive detail in case there might be a snarky broach. They are awaiting this verdict with bated breath. The fate of democracy, no, the world is literally at stake
These people are as detached from reality as the most Q-pilled uncle, but they are at least much less likely to own a gun, and plunking them down in front of CNN or NPR can have a soothing effect if they get too agitated and start thinking about doing anything that might have an actual impact on the world
Since I saw this a few weeks ago it lives rent free in my mind. Amazing copypasta.
Holy fuck it’s been 7 years
I would also add a dash of Pod Save America. 2017 me definitely listened to them for a year or so before I was turned on to Chapo
Fuck you, i had genuinely forgotten almost all of this. FUCK YOU.