Great filter critics: :picard-excited:
Great filter adherents :blob-on-fire:
This is interesting for sure, but it has next to nothing to do with the Great Filter btw and definitely is not a mark against the idea of a Great Filter. :cat-confused:
NASA is LYING about aliens they are NOT aliens but DEMONS :meemaw:
Making an underwater colony in Enceladus makes me think of both Barotrauma and SOMA.
Also like what would even be the point of building a colony in such unwelcoming place considering that we’re still in Capitalist era? Like what resouces are they going to exploit in Enceladus, what rich asshole will relocate to a dark and deep underwater colony and how would it maintain discipline among the workers. Apart from basic stuff, what would workers even produce? Can they even ship it back to Earth? It has barely any purpose and is a huge waste of resources, well, this last part doesn’t seem to bother capitalists all that much.
Of course I am getting ahead of time because nobody is talking about colonization, but eh
The only reason people will be sending probes or even building bases on Enceladus in the next century or two would be research. Lots of cool stuff we could learn from there. If it has an ocean that goes super deep then maaaaaybe it could be mined for uranium? I’m just spitballing.
I figure by the time we’re able to build a base on Enceladus we’ll have fusion, and hydrogen is basically free, plenty of places to get fuel without having to drill through miles of ice and then haul it through an ocean like 3x as deep as Earth’s
Fission fuels can be used for thermoelectric generators (low energy, usually very simple, lasts a very long time, used for deep space probes) as well as “small” reactors that can fit in vehicles or power a town. Fusion requires such high energies so the reactor designs are very big and the prospects for miniaturization are low. Cities will probably be powered by fusion one day, but I’m confident fission will continue to have a healthy niche.
Great filtercels quaking when we make first contact with the Enceladun decapi :posad:
Tweet’s kinda misleading. Scientists found sodium phosphates in ice particles in Saturn’s E-ring, which is mostly composed of water ejected from Enceladus’ ocean. We still don’t have direct confirmation of phosphorus compounds in that ocean, and the relevant study points out that the phosphates in the ocean, if they’re there, are probably unevenly distributed.