What a day it was yesterday. The sun was out and everyone got to do their highest civil duty possible: VoTe!
For weeks the media were all over the place, saying that Vlaams Belang, the far right nationalist party, would be the biggest winner of the elections, with some even saying they could get up to 38% of the votes.
Belgium operates on different levels. You’ve got the Federal level which makes decisions for the entire country, you’ve got the Regional level for the three regions Wallonia, Brussels and Flanders, you’ve got a provincial level within these regions and you’ve got a municipal level for the cities and towns. Yesterday we voted for Federal, Regional and European levels.
These are the results:
NVA - 23.9% - neoliberal nationalists
Vlaams Belang - 22.7% - far right nationalists
Vooruit - 13.9% - socdems
CD&V - 13% - Christian Democrats
Open VLD - 8.3% - liberals
PVDA - 8.3% - Communists (THAT’S US)
Groen - 7.3% - Green Party/socdem
MR - 29.6% - liberals
PS - 23.2% - socdems, same as Vooruit
Les Engagés - 20.7% - Christian Democrats, same as CD&V
PTB - 12.1% - Communists (us, again)
Ecolo - 7% - Green Party/socdem
Groen - 22.8% - Green Party/socdem
Team Fouad Ahidar - 16.5% - independent socdem with muslim background
NVA - 11.9% - neoliberal nationalists
Open VLD - 10.6% - liberals
Vlaams Belang - 10.5% - far right nationalists
Vooruit - 10% - socdem
PVDA - 7% - communists, us
CD&V - 6.3% - Christian Democrats
VIVA PALESTINA! - 2.4% - No idea what ideology they belong to, one issue party
NVA - 16.7% - neoliberal nationalists
Vlaams Belang - 13.8% - far right nationalists
MR - 10.3% - liberals
PVDA/PTB - 9.9% - communists, us
Vooruit - 8.1% - Flemish socdems
PS - 8.1% - Wallonia socdems
CD&V - 8 % - Christian Democrats, Flemish
Les Engagés - 6.8% - Christian Democrats, Wallonia
Open VLD- 5.4% - liberals
Groen - 4.6% - Green party, Flemish
Ecolo - 2.9% - Green party, Wallonia
** I left several parties out of the results as I did not consider them noteworthy
Also, my mom just send me a message asking why Dutch media is calling us extremists lmao
A few things to consider noteworthy:
In Antwerp, the home base of Vlaams Belang and nationalists, our party managed to beat them with 22% of the total votes. It makes me proud that in Antwerp, my city, 1 in nearly 4 people I see outside were willing to vote for a communist party. We have elections for the municipalities in october, and it is looking good for one of the most important cities in the country/Europe. There were several different municipalities in which we gained a lot of votes as well, so we might be in some governments after october.
Wallonia is generally very left leaning, so to see a liberal party win the elections over there is worrying.
I made a post claiming we may be the biggest in Wallonia, but apparently one of the polling stations mixed our code with the Christian Democrats over there, so it was a great prank eventually lol
The far right nationalists didn’t win the elections as predicted. It is up to NVA now to decide if they want to work with them on the Flemish level, but that could sabotage their chances of running a federal government as the parties they need to work with over there will block them if they do.
The socdems of Vooruit seem to have completed their sellout as they will likely work with a right wing government on the federal level. This brings forth chances for us and I hope the party sees it that way too.
Our leader and other leading figures in our party said they would love to negotiate on forming a government with NVA on some levels. Now, I don’t know yet what the plan behind this is, but I really hope they don’t. I am not going to work for a party that implements right wing policies. More on that later on, probably.
I also want to give a shoutout to the Green party as they spend their last weeks or the election pumping around slander vids about us on social media, instead of being an actual left wing party and convincing voters. They are now having a humbling defeat, apart from Brussels.
The important thing for us this election is that we manage to grow. We doubled our influence in Flemish parliament, the result in Wallonia is slightly disappointing but okay, we have grown in Brussels and on a Federal level too.
Last, one of our reps managed to get elected for European Parliament. He will join The Left. He is the first actual worker to join Parliament, so it’s nice to have a working class man to be our voice over there.
I think we overperformed the last elections and we got a better result than expected from it. We are now seeing some consolidation, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Wallonia is less urban than Flanders so it needs slightly different tactics when it comes to building your party. Over here in Flanders we do well because there’s lots of bigger populations centers around, so it is easier to form local action groups. Bit harder in Luxemburg for example if the you live in a town with a population of 200 people and the next town is a 20 minute drive away.
Still, we didn’t drop huge amount of votes so I think we can keep building and eventually see results.
I will come back to live in Antwerp if you win municipal
Honestly, the only piece of uplifting news I’ve heard in months, this motivates me to do something over here too. No idea what but joining the party is a priority