maybe I’m built different but I would simply not do this
there are plenty of dangerous ways to touch grass that are infinitely prettier and more fun
I’d just find the hidden pockets of air like underwater levels in Tomb Raider
Apparently this tour costs a shit ton of money too. I saw “up to $250,000” per ticket earlier.
10 years from now a half dozen billionaires will explode in a musk rocket
the thing about the titanic is it basically in the abyss. Its unbelievably deep, about as deep as you can get outside of oceanic trenches, but for all intents and purposes it might as well be in a trench. Don’t go down there! People don’t belong!
People don’t understand this, but you can survive brief exposure to the vacuum of space, but the deep ocean will instantly turn you to a thin red paste.
Afaik you can survive vacuum indefinitely, it’s just gonna really, really suck because your skin is fairly elastic and relies on air pressure to keep… uhh… shape I guess. So in a vacuum you’ll swell up very painfully. But afaik as long as your head stays pressurized so you can breath it won’t directly kill you. Your skin is supposedly gas-tight.
There was some guy who was doing high-altitude experiments and somehow lost the glove on his pressure suitl, and decided to just roll with it and report what was happening to his ground team. I think he reported that it was very uncomfortable, but they didn’t find any lasting damage.
There’s actually a kind of theoretical space suit called a “Space Activity Suit” that relies on mechanical pressure, ie like spandex but nasa-grade, to replace the pressure you’d otherwise be experiencing from the atmosphere. With a sealed helmet it more or less would let you wander around in space wearing skin-tight pajamas. I forget why we didn’t end up going with it instead of the giant bulky suits everyone is familiar with, but it does have some advantages like not needed active air-conditioning to keep the astronaut from cooking in the suit from their own body heat. the SAS is porous and you thermoregulate via evaporation like you would on earth.
Yeah, the main issue is the mucus membranes, especially the eyes which…not fun. Do Not Let Space Into Your Facehole (or other holes)
Also you can have a microneteroid cause a hole in your ship and can close it up with a piece of gum. If a hole appears in your sub you turn into a fine red mist as you are sucked out of a 1 inch hole
No, not quite. If a hole appears in the sub you will be turned into a fine red mist by the insanely powerful force of the water forcing its way inside.
Submarine tour company 2 weeks from now:
We’re excited to offer the world’s first recursive shipwreck tour! Be the first to visit the ship that wrecked visiting the ship that wrecked…
Uncritical support to comrade Poseidon