for the basics, since I’m on an M2 Mac, I use:
- iTerm2: Terminal
- zsh with zsh-completions, zsh-autosuggestions, and zsh-syntax-highlighting: Shell, Shell Completions, Shell Autosuggestion, and Shell Syntax Highlighting
- oh-my-zsh: Shell Configuration Extension
- passion: Prompt Style Theme & Default Profile Terminal Colors
- Homebrew: Package Manager
- Fira Code: Terminal Font
and extending my workflow in the terminal, I use:
- tmux with tpm: Terminal Multiplexer and Plugin Manager
- neovim with lazy.nvim and mason.nvim: Editor, Editor Package Manager, and LSP Package Manager
my default terminal profile ends up looking like this after customization (i don’t remember if inline is still disabled):
and my programming terminal profile ends up looking like this after customization:
and I really like the look of this one in particular in the end
so, what’s your terminal/shell stack?
edit: here’s my neofetch:
bash, gnome-terminal, monospace 👶
I also use Emacs
Of course, this is all running on Gentoo, where I have made many tweaks which deviate from the default to balance the needs of CAD/CAM, 3D printing, virtual machines, containers, video game emulation, WINE, ham radio, astronomy, various niches of software development, etc. I go through all of that and still run the most normiecore desktop environment. The 6TB volume is a hybrid which uses LVM to use a 1TB NVMe drive as a writethrough cache for a 6TB spinning drive, and the CPU is overclocked to 4.3GHz from 3.5.
Bash and Emacs. I try to do things using Emacs functionality (like dired) over using a terminal when possible, but sometimes you just gotta.
I just use all the mac defaults with a simplified PS1 as well as some shortcuts in .zprofile (including alias 🥺="sudo"
lmao, I just noticed that most emojis can be typed in the terminal, but 🥺 can’t. truly the bottom of emojis
I use michaelsoft binbos 10 to play vidya after work
Looks really aesthetic!
I don’t hang out much in the terminal these days, so I can’t even share anything interesting. Just using whatever is the default terminal, currently playing with KDE so that one with bash.