How many of these “quitting” types are these people going to come up with? In the end people are quitting because jobs don’t paid enough for the amount of shit that gets thrown on their plates. Doesn’t matter how it happens. The root cause is all the same.
“Workers have begun ‘Gunpla Quitting’ where they shirk their duties and instead build Gundam models on the clock, even as they return to the office”
Cold-quitting: you stop responding to work emails
Hot-quitting: you spam your boss’ email with porn links
Top-quitting: you start acting like you’re the boss
Bottom-quitting: you don’t do any work because you need to ask for help but you’re shy 🥺👉👈
Clown-quitting: you and 11 coworkers steal the company car
helicopter quitting
where you quit by pulling down your pants and making that weiner do the helicopter
its quitting but just for the fellas
This is loud quitting. 🎺 🎺🎺
“Poor management leads to lost customers and lost profits, but it also leads to miserable lives,” Gallup explained while adding that “having a job you hate is worse than being unemployed”.
They’re saying the quiet part loudly
“having a job you hate is worse than being unemployed”
“We need to make being unemployed worse then.”
Can’t wait until not having a job when you’re 14 and older becomes illegal, and then some kid gets arrested because all the McDonalds near him told him “no” for the cashier position because he doesn’t have a PhD in electrical engineering, something that would be very unbecoming of a prestigious institution like the McDonald’s franchise owns.
That’s the problem is there’s anger at employers but no organization. People are quitting instead of unionizing because they still think in terms of “rugged individualism” and “job market.” They think if they go to the “job market” and find a “better job” they won’t be exploited. But they’ll always be exploited because that’s the mode of production. The mode of production is that the boss has to pay you less than your work is worth so they can profit, reinvest that profit in growth, giving shareholders dividends, and absorbing/destroying competitors. If they don’t do that, they get absorbed/destroyed by someone who will. So there’s no fair workplace. And if there is, then it’s not profitable and will be destroyed soon. People should be unionizing not quitting. And not just unionizing their lone isolated workplace, but unionizing across the whole industry, across multiple industries, across national borders. But that takes a lot of work and people are isolated, alienated, deprived of class consciousness and education. They’re radicalized but they don’t know where to put their energy. So they quit hoping to find a mythical job that doesn’t exploit them.
People are quitting instead of unionizing because they still think in terms of “rugged individualism” and “job market.”
Also because unionizing takes years and no one wants to be stuck in a shitty job for years.
right, but still, most jobs are going to be shitty, so just throwing yourself back out there on the “job market” (a euphemism for putting your labor power up on the auction block) is a huge risk because your bills are gonna rack up, your savings are gonna run out, your unemployment will run out assuming you can even get it, and then you’re stuck right back at square zero looking for someone who will buy your labor power for less than it is worth. Me personally, I’d rather stick with a shitty job until I find another slightly less then shitty job than quit, because if I quit too early my situation is gonna deteriorate and the likelihood of me getting lucky enough to find something better is low.
Definitely. From experience though, there’s two types of jobs that organize:
–Jobs with high concentrations of socialists like social work, non-profit, politics
–unspeakably terrible jobs, like, abusive bosses, random insufficient hours, that kind of thing.
The first type of job is rare, and the second kind makes people quit. If everyone organized, everyone would win, but the reality is that the kind of conditions that make people organize also make people quit.
How much longer until quitting your job becomes a crime and they start posting armed security guards at the exits? I feel like it would go there before they let us have any rights on the clock.