Looks like I’m testing not using YouTube.
That’ll make youtube disappear for me.
Over the years I watched less and less. I only seldomly have to look into youtube for things that are easier in video than in text.
Teens and many people don’t know that there is a world without ads. They have to be educated that there are alternatives - not watching youtube is a real option. You do not depend on it.
Oh dear lord no.
This is where we could use a browser plug in that uses AI to learn what an ad is and skip it for us. Now we just need someone to start working on it.
Plugins can add controls and it can download videos, but plugins can’t interact with videos directly I think.
Maybe use the Youtube API closed captions and figure out the patterns for ads that way?
Of course they can interact with it just fine, look at “sponsorblock” plug-in. It would also solve this problem completely. It already exists and works well, it just isn’t “AI” nonsense.
Yes, that is adding controls and using a database from the SponsorBlock server.
What I mean is a plugin cannot see the video. Like you can’t write
if(screen == adScreen) {
then skipToNextSegment();
The plugin isn’t reading the video, it is getting info from a database. For AI or machine learning to work ad injection, which might change for every user, doing what SponsorBlock is doing is not enough.
YT has 2 posibilities
- Hosting all videos doble, one with ads and the same vids without for premium user
- Insert also markers which at the end also are exploited by adblockers and userscripts
I think they’ll hit their teeth against a rock with this.
Meanwhile a lot of content creators a changing to Odysee
- Hosting all videos doble, one with ads and the same vids without for premium user
Not quite sure why, they simply could in the fly stitch those files together.
Twitch is doing that for a while now i think.
Exactly this. It isn’t even really “stitching” as YouTube videos are served as a series of short chunks anyways. So you simply tell the player that there are a few extra chunks which happen to be ads. There is no video processing required it is basically free to do it this way on the sever side.
That is true. But then you could probably use the chunk length to determine where the ads starts and ends since there is with a very high probability an unusually long chunk at those times.