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Never played any of the other civ games? Go for it, you’ll probably have a good time, and should definitely get 10-30 bucks worth of fun. Purists will say Civ V is the only real one, but 6 has its charms if you can get over the aesthetic and character design
I’m curious how long the sentiment of Civ V being the ‘real’ one will last. I remember when V came out a large portion of the community insisted that IV was the true Civ experience for quite a while. Civ III is the realest for me since it was my entry into the series and I probably still have the most hours logged on that one, but I’ve liked aspects of each iteration, up to and including 6.
Civ 4 is still the best one to me. It’s the culmination of Civs 1-3. Civ 5 went a different direction, I didn’t like it but I can see how other people would.
Civ 5 is better in every way
But playing Civ 5 is a dangerous pathway to playing EU4 which will ruin your life
I think I paid about £20-25 for the full package (I got the base for free) about a year ago and despite not having much time to game these days I enjoyed it and haven’t felt short-changed.
I played a lot more of 5, but find myself going back to 6 mostly now. I’m a pretty casual player too, so if you’re new I think these points will still stand:
It’s better for playing shorter games if you don’t have an entire week to spare.
The district system rewards planning ahead without being too punishing and it’s cool to actually see the stuff you’re building.
If you haven’t played Civ before 6 is also much better at easing you in and just explaining things in general. Especially the improved diplomacy and war related stuff.
The map editor is fun if you don’t worry about getting too granular with it.
The civilisations themselves have a more interesting variety of abilities and play styles, especially some they’ve add in the dlc (all included in anthology).
Likewise the climate change aspects in the dlc and improved disasters are interesting. There’s also sliders and modifiers so if you want to just try and survive on an apocolyptic movie style planet that’s constantly trying to kill you and everyone else you can do that for fun too.
I haven’t even played with the secret societies and cults dlc stuff yet but it seems neat.
It looks nice and runs well on even my office mini-pc.
The character art is a bit like big headed puppets which freaks me out a little, but that’s probably a me thing.
As with all Civ games it’s as shit.
- But if you play on PC there’s lots of good mods including lots of Soviet civs etc.
- You could probably pirate it instead if you’re not interested in playing multiplayer with anyone.
The secret societies stuff is really fun. Its great for once you already understand the game and want to add some pure fun into it. Definitely worth going back and playing with them on when you have time. Vampires are awesome!
The Civ series isn’t really an attempt at a history simulation like Vicky is, it’s a board game that uses history as a theme.
Anyway I’d say it’s worth, I’ve bought and played the piss out of every single Civ entry going back to the first one on DOS.
My advice: not matter which Civ you try, play the base game WITHOUT expansions first. Like any other board game, the expansions aren’t needed to enjoy it and are designed to breathe fresh air into the experience after you’ve already put a hundred hours in, not to be there and be distracting when you’re still trying to get to grips with the basics.