I can confirm this is probably happening because some of their staff are leaky leaky among certain groups. Unless they cancel which I doubt.
I have suspicions that it might even be crypto related, they actively pursued a reddit blockchain thing at one point in the past before sacking the main person responsible halfway through the job with 1 week notice.
Predictions on how this turns out?
Who cares? Fuck Reddit for banning me for anti-landlordism.
Wait, they’re getting rid of Reddit Gold, the microtransaction that the site completely relies on to stay solvent, but also saying they will increase spending by paying power posters? How does the math on that work out?
The only way it makes sense is if they’re replacing that with more advertisement revenue that they’re not talking about. Paid posts have always been a thing on Reddit, and now they’re going to become an official thing, and the posters who can most effectively be used to deliver ads will be paid a share in order to remain power posters and keep driving engagement on the site.