text from Terry Pratchett; art by Higgs who's tumblr i've linked
i can’t rember which book this is from – i wanna say it’s Men at Arms but it could even be Guards Guards. Higgs seems to think it’s Night Watch, but I’m pretty sure it happened before that…
in the post here
This doesn’t hold up post-planned obsolescence. Now everyone just buys more and more frequently
Okay so according to the punks red wings, thoroughgoods, and solovairs are still good, and solovairs are making the boots Doc Marten’s used to make before enshitifficationh set in. Gripfasts also come recommended. Corcoran’s makes the OG paratrooper jump boots if you’re in to that look. A lot of peoples till vouch for Red Wing but look up what you’re getting because I’ve heard the quality on some models have gotten iffy.
Whatever you get must have a goodyear welt. That’s an element in the boot’s construction that allows a cobbler to remove the outsole and put a new sole on. It’s key to getting a boot that will last for a decade or more.
Expect to pay 200-350$ for a good pair of boots. Yeah, they’re expensive. But as Vime’s says, you can spend some cash now on boots that will last for ten years +, or shell out 50-100$ for new shitty boots every year.
Also keep an eye on thrift stores, online exchanges, and if you know any old punks ask around if they’ve got old boots they don’t use anymore. As long as the leather isn’t cracked, torn, or dry rotted you can hit it with some leather conditioner and polish and slap new soles on (I recommend Vibrams. Costs more but they’re hard wearing) and be GTG.
Jesus christ Solovair split with Docs in 1995. Dig a hole and throw me in it I’m old.
it’s very good for showing how expensive it is to be poor, because a lot of people across the political spectrum just don’t fucking get it
as demonstrated by a chunk of this thread lmao
It’s libs first critique of conservative talking points about the poor. Can be worthwhile rhetorically if someone earnestly believes that poor people make bad financial decisions and is willing to change their mind, but how often is that?
Huh, I feel like deep down a lot of conservatives know their post-hoc demonisations of the poor are crap, they just say stuff.