3/10 no audible sniffs
Woah this isn’t fair at all, sometimes Žižek adopts the mainstream chud position too
Remember when we had a thread about how philosophy was dumb and useless because it involves thinking and subjectivity which is wrong because Das Kapital materialism?
Hexbearian philosophy is truly incredible, you have to explain things that should be so incredibly self explanatory. You get STEMlord takes like:
Thought experiments are stupid because they’re not realistic. DAE thinking isn’t real it’s all chemicals? Checkmate stupid idealist.
Marx’s materialist analysis of the economy proves that consciousness doesn’t exist. (Thinking involves ideas, and you can’t hold ideas because they’re not physical, therefore consciousness is idealist garbage). As everyone knows Marx proved that ideas don’t exist. Real buzzword blender territory here.
Thousands of years of nonstop inquiry simply can’t withstand my materialist genius explaining that one of the greatest mysteries of all time is actually really easy and I just solved it you morons.
Literally treating materialism in an economic context as if it were completely interchangeable with physicalism.
A lot of people here need to learn that “that word doesn’t mean what you seem to think it means.”
Tbh I don’t think I have ever used the word ‘dialectics’ unironically. To me it’s mostly just a funny meme word, and actually talking about dialectics doesn’t really require using the word. I think the abuse of ‘materialism’ is a much more real harm though, because it can lead to some awful takes like ‘being trans is not materialist, but idealist and therefore bourgeois’, generally ignoring that the superstructure is actually a real thing that exists and has to be grappled with, and probably a lot more i can’t think of off the top of my head
Just cut the balls